My kids both love water. Seriously. Lillie is a full on fish. She can full on swim. She would be completely good to go on her own, but she's 3 and doesn't quite have a grasp on knowing her limits. What she lacks in form (she kind of looks like she's wiggling through the water, not clear arm or leg movements but I think that comes with more muscle strength and control). She can swim across the width of the pool without help. She can come up for a breath, float, and dive for floating objects all on her own. This afternoon, she dove in, caught a toy that was sinking, swam back to the edge, climbed out and did it again by herself. Too cool. She gets tired pretty quick but tries so hard to fight it. I hope she sleeps REALLY well tonight!
Little buddy likes to put his face in the water. That's "swimming" :) He's much more cautious in the water (thank goodness!). He really likes playing sports in the water (surprise!). Nana and Grandad have a floating basketball hoop, water guns, balls, and all sorts of fun toys. The toys that sink are the best for getting them to put their faces in the water.