"Miles, did you know it's Christmas?"
So much for keeping up with a new blog. If there is one thing you can count on, it's that I'm inconsistent. {sigh}
We took down the crib today. Made me a little sad although we never really used it. I guess it's just the symbolism of taking it down. Miles is only 10 months old, yet it seems like we are done with little baby things. It's the biggest draw back of having two that are close in age. The baby-ness goes by too fast. I think one day I'll look back and be sad about it, it already makes me kind of sad. Right now I'm focusing on getting that room cleaned and reorganized. I'm feeling very ready for a new year and a fresh start. This will be the first year that I haven't been pregnant for any part of since 2006. I have so many things on my wants, needs, desires list and I can't wait to get started. Wish me luck, I am going to need it!
Here's some more eye candy from christmas. The is the first Christmas in a really, really long time that I have truly enjoyed. I feel very blessed.