I'm in deseperate need of some POSITIVE in my life. Here's one about a nice, fluffy, family story. No work on emotional issues or other stressfull things on my mind. A nice summer day to make it all fade away.
First day of swim season!!!
My kids already LOVE the water. Lillie was simply amazing in her aquatic skills. My mom got some "noodles" for the kids. Lillie grabbed a hold a noodle (which she calls her trapeze!) and took off swimming. She swam back and forth, up and down the pool with NO help from me. I swam right next to her, giving her plenty of freedom to go for it and test her abilities. She also spent plenty of time jumping into the water, splashing, and having a watery blast all around.
Miles loved it too. Splashed, splashed, splashed, and splashed some more. He would yell "THREE", meaning for you to count one, two, three- throw him in the air and splash down in the water. Loved it. My mom also got a dolphin blow up toy everyone calls Shamu. Miles rode it simply to try and impress his friend Clara. We HAVE to get her one of these toys, even if it never sees water.
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