It's just some random day in August. It's my day off and I haven't done much of anything. It's been a really long time since I've had a day off without something planned. I ended up working in the garden for a very short period of time, decided it was too hot and went inside to order seeds. Much of the rest of the day included watching videos with the kids, looking out the window and watching the birds drink water from the puddle that had formed from the hose I forgot to turn off. That was fun and made for a great photo op. I of course took advantage...

By the way, I have no idea what is up with my pictures being turned. I keep fixing it and it goes right back. GRRRR. I'm done, tilt your head damn it.
Lillie said "mama...can we go outside and think?". We went outside and she talked with a cricket for a few minutes and we went back inside. Hmmmm. Wonder what a two year old thinks about...
We randomly took pictures on the bed throughout the day...
Randomly in the middle of the day I was promised a much needed nap...but it didn't happen. Bizarre. That one confused me.
So, I just kept taking pictures. And now it's time for bed. Hopefully this day of leisure will help with my attitude. I've been on the grumpy side and I'm ready for that to change. night, ya'll.
nice. i plan to spend all day today in my pjs. aug here is like winter in other places- the weather is too unreasonable to leave the house some days.