Tuesday, July 13, 2010

quotes from the kids

july 2010 - told by mama - yesterday we went out front to play with the hose. As lillie walked out the front door I realized she didn't have on any panties. I ran back to grab some inside. When I walked back outside, I see her about half way down the sidewalk, dress hiked up past her waist, in a wide squat, peeing. I brought her inside, wiped her off and asked why she did it. She says "Mama, it was my choice". Wow, I didn't have a response.

july 2010 - told by dada - today Lillie had an epic stack of books going when she knocked a dozen or so, off the top. I knew she was not gonna be happy about it, correct... "honey, its ok, that's what makes stacking books fun. You stack them up as high as you can and they fall and you keep trying to stack them higher." Disaster averted. Minutes later... Miles knocked over entire said stack, though he was trying to stack, not destroy (strange). I expected bad, what I got instead was shocking. Lillie, "Its ok Miles we'll stack them up together." Holy Crap! Wow! Yay! Its working, its working!