Monday, May 31, 2010

water babies

I'm in deseperate need of some POSITIVE in my life. Here's one about a nice, fluffy, family story. No work on emotional issues or other stressfull things on my mind. A nice summer day to make it all fade away.

First day of swim season!!!

My kids already LOVE the water. Lillie was simply amazing in her aquatic skills. My mom got some "noodles" for the kids. Lillie grabbed a hold a noodle (which she calls her trapeze!) and took off swimming. She swam back and forth, up and down the pool with NO help from me. I swam right next to her, giving her plenty of freedom to go for it and test her abilities. She also spent plenty of time jumping into the water, splashing, and having a watery blast all around.

Miles loved it too. Splashed, splashed, splashed, and splashed some more. He would yell "THREE", meaning for you to count one, two, three- throw him in the air and splash down in the water. Loved it. My mom also got a dolphin blow up toy everyone calls Shamu. Miles rode it simply to try and impress his friend Clara. We HAVE to get her one of these toys, even if it never sees water.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


The past 5 days have been the most disgusting of my entire life. I'll go ahead and warn you now that I am about to talk about barfing a LOT. I need to vent, so if this isn't your cup of tea go ahead and click the little red X box in the upper right hand corner of your screen...

It all started around midnight on Saturday night. Miles was fussy, tossing and turning, so I was awake. I hear this faint gurgling noise, it happens again so I turn to look at Lillie. She was laying on her back, vomit coming from her mouth...she was choking on it. I jumped up, turned her over, yelled for paco, and ran to the bathroom.

******I am interupting this blog post to give a plug for co-sleeping, or the family bed. Yes, I sleep with my two children. It's been an awesome and rewarding experience and I'll look back later and life and really miss the days when I got to cuddle with them all night. Anyway, I truly believe that if I hadn't been right next to her, she had a really good possiblity of choking on her vomit and dieing. I don't know if I would have heard her if I was in the other room. She wasn't moving or making any effort to get the vomit out of her mouth when I found her. A VERY scary possibility! I'm glad I was there for her!**********

She barfed 5 times during the next 4 hours. After two bed sheet changes and two baths, I got wise and moved to the couch with towels. She fell asleep watching Tinker Bell and slept in the next morning. The next day she acted totally fine. It was really strange. She even asked to eat and was hungry. I still don't know what the hell that was about.

Fast forward to Monday evening, Paco texts at 6:30 saying Miles just barfed on the living room floor and he felt nauseas. By 6:50 he was begging me to come home from work. I got home and Paco and Miles are at the toilet, both barfing, Miles crying. Lillie, thankfully, was asleep on the couch, with a book clutched in her hands. Paco couldn't stop throwing up. Miles wanted to nurse, but immediately threw it up. He fell asleep pretty quickly after that. I had to wake him up to put towels under him and he started barfing again. As long as he was asleep, he was fine, if he woke up...

Paco got sick every 10 minutes for 4 hours. I started piecing together some info. Paco made dinner with cream based pasta sauce that had been used two weeks ago. Only Paco and Miles ate the dinner, they both started to vomit about an hour and a half after eating, and started within 3 minutes of each other. Food poisoning. Miles woke up about every 2 hours to barf. The next day it was down to every 4 hours and now he hasn't thrown up since 8 this morning (14 hours ago).

Before this week I had never had someone throw up on me. In the last 4 days, it's been dozens of times. I seen and felt the most disgusting stuff ever (ok, I know that's uber dramatic, but bare with me). After the first night, I was kinda proud, like I earned a mommy badge for dealing with barf. Now, I'm just done with it...or at least i really, really, really hope I'm done with it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

my garden

I've always wanted a garden. I love plants and flowers of all kinds. While living at Gladney, I spent some time in the greenhouse and learned to propagate plants from cuttings. In collage I had success with flowers from seeds. I never could keep a store bought plant alive though. I never thought I had enough time for a garden when I worked full time. Then I had back to back babies and was either too sick or no energy for a project like a garden. This spring I finally made it happen. I dug up the ground, prepped my garden, even made a stone border. Bought some seeds and decided that I wouldn't worry about it too much, I would just do it and learn as I went. I can't begin to tell you how thrilled I was each time something sprouted. I love to go out and check on it every day. My little helpers love it too. Lillie picks the leaves off the swiss chard and eats them. We had our first harvest this week. Sweet Peas and Spinach. Hooray! I'm so thrilled, I dug up more dirt for cantaloupe and squash.