Thursday, October 15, 2009

make it happen

My life seems to be in the yoursobusyyourheadisspinning cycles of life. Seems like 2 months have gone by in half a blink. Since Ellen was here, I've been really pushing the art & teaching thing. I taught three classes last weekend. Two on Saturday and one Sunday. I haven't had a teaching schedule like that since I taught at the Great American Scrapbook Show when I was pregnant with Lillie. I made a 2.5 hour break between the two classes on Saturday in which I had lunch, took the babies to the park and made photocopies for class. I had a good turn out of students (4, 12, and 22 respectively). It was exhausting yet such a fun way to make a living. I have also pursued several upcoming arts events to become a vendor. I've realized that I can make as much working every weekday as I can teaching one day during the weekend. I'm really am trying to make this happen. I don't want to find childcare and find a day job. It would break my heart. So, for now I'm trying to make it happen. Teach classes, do art shows, Etsy, and hopefully more design work. That means I stay up way too late making, designing, and brainstorming in my studio and of course my house will just stay a bit messy as I spill out onto the dining room table with yet more projects. I've been working hard cleaning out the studio. Getting rid of the sales rep stuff and making a functional workable studio. I've even thought about teaching private classes in there. I'm really motivated to make it happen. I find myself asking Paco for 5 minutes here and there to work on it. My work is starting to pay off, you can even see floor space in there!!!

Oh, I got my copy of the new publication called Cards & Trinkets that I have work in. Designing for that company has repeatedly been a disappointing experience, but I need the paycheck. Hopefully I can teach some classes with some of the projects, as they returned that stuff too.

1 comment:

  1. i really wanted to do the dia de los muertos one but jav had to work. ill take a private class on that one!

    you can make this happen- i love your stuff. =)
